When you purchase a website through Looka, it comes with a default domain.
A default domain looks like 5847d806.websites.dev.looka.com
While a custom domain looks like www.testinglooka2.com
While this default domain is fully functional, it isn't aesthetically pleasing, or the most professional-looking domain. To avoid using the default domain provided by Looka, you can choose to purchase a custom domain.
Your custom domain can be anything you like, but most companies use their company name as their domain, for example, www.looka.com. If you are your brand, you can also use your own name like Beyoncé, www.beyonce.com.
The first step in finding a domain is ensuring that the domain is available. You can do this by searching for your desired domain through Looka!
To do this, head to the Domains tab in the left menu
Once there, search for your desired domain.
Once you search, you'll see a list of available domains. If you need to, edit your search terms to find different options. You may need to do this if the domain that you want is not available. In that case, consider using a longer form of your company name, or adding other specifics (like your location, business type, etc.) to the domain name.
Once you have selected a domain that you want to use, click the "Get it" button to complete the checkout process for the domain.
Once you have your desired domain, you can connect it to your Looka site!