Our logo editor lets you easily adjust the spacing between your symbol/monogram, slogan, and company name.ย
Below are two images to help you learn how to adjust your logo with the spacing function.ย
Symbol Spacing
Click the logo you would like to edit
In the top menu, select Edit Symbol
In the symbol menu options, click the menu option Position to move your symbol vertically or horizontally.
Slide the circle in the spacing menu left to right to move your symbol closer or further away from your text
The logo preview will update while you are moving your symbol spacing around
Slogan Spacing
Click the logo you would like to edit
In the top menu, select Edit Slogan
In the slogan menu options, click on Position to move your logo vertically or horizontally.
Slide the circle in the spacing menu left to right to move your slogan closer or further away from your company name
The logo preview will update while you are moving your slogan spacing around
*Note: If you are trying to make changes to a logo you have already purchased, you will not be able to edit the company name's spelling. For all other changes, please follow the instructions in this article to learn how to make changes to a purchased logo.