As per our Terms of Service, we do not issue refunds if your logo is downloaded or sent to you via email.
If the files have not been downloaded or emailed, and you're within 7 days of purchase, a refund can be issued by contacting support.
When contacting support about a refund please attach:
A receipt
The last four digits of the credit card used
The purchase date
If you used PayPal, please provide them with your PayPal transaction ID or email.
We send the processed refund directly to your bank account. However, each bank has different processing times and can take anywhere from 3-14 business days for the funds to be returned to your account.
Once you pay for your logo, you can change every element except for the name. If you're unhappy with your design, check out our logo ideas page for inspiration or our blog on how to design a logo.
If you have any further questions regarding refunds, please contact support: [email protected]
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